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04-07-2024: Update EDR API

To prepare our EDR API for more data collections, we have reorganised our EDR infrastructure. This reorganisation also makes it possible to release more of our EDR code open source in the near future. For you as user, the external behavior should not change, except for some small fixes where we were not consistent with the EDR specification. The Technical Documentation is significantly different, the available endpoints are now organised by collection. We hope that this makes the API easier to use. Please contact us if you see any issues.

29-05-2024: New anonymous API Key

A new anonymous key has been introduced. It will be valid till 1 July 2025. The valid period of the previous key will be till 1 July 2024. For details, see here. If you don’t want to change your scripts yearly, we advise you to look into a registered key. You can use this API key with your own “rate limit” and “quota”, and it does not expire. This means that you don’t have to share the key with others, and your application will not be dependent on the lifecycle of the anonymous API key.

06-03-2024: WMS database maintenance (10:00 - 12:00 CET) - March 11, 2024

The WMS service will undergo essential database maintenance on Monday, March 11th, from 10:00 to 12:00 CET. During this period, the WMS service and EDR WMS collections (Tg1, Tx1, Tn1, Rd1, Ev24 and wins50), will experience downtime as we perform necessary maintenance tasks. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your patience and understanding.

20-02-2024: EDR database maintenance (14:00 - 16:00 CET)

New data in the EDR observations collection will be on hold from 14:00 to 16:00 CET for maintenance on Tuesday February the 20th. We expect no downtime on the observations API in historical data. New data will be added to the observations collection eventually once the maintenance has been completed.

08-01-2024: Introduction of versioned EDR API endpoint URL

In our efforts to ready the EDR API for a full release (it’s currently in alpha), we have deprecated its old endpoint URL in favor of a versioned URL.

The new EDR API endpoint is:

The sunset time of the old endpoint URL is 1st of June 2024. Please see the deprecation notice for more information.

20-11-2023: Multiple stations are unavailable

Due to network problems the following AWS(Automated Weather Stations) are unavailble: Berkhout (06249), Marknesse (06273), Lauwersoog (06272), Heino (06278), Hupsel (06284), Nieuw Beerta (062786), Twente (06290), Westdorpe (39106), Wilhemina (06313), Rotterdam Geulhave (06343), Herwijnen (06356), Ell (06377) , Arcen (06391). Multiple datasets are affected by this issue, such as the Actuele10mindataKNMIstations dataset and EDR observations. We are working hard to resolve this issue.

Update: Issues have been resolved since 21-11-2023 16:50:00 UTC.

17-11-2023: Release of new Notification Service

We are happy to announce the public release of the Notification Service. This Publish/Subscribe based service allows you to receive timely updates about events of the KNMI Data Platform datasets. Read more about how to use the service in the Notification Service documentation.

16-11-2023: Availability of an anonymous WMS endpoint and deprecation of geospatial-login

We have restructured the endpoints for the Web Mapping Service (WMS). The following changes are live, effective immediate:

  • The addition of an anonymous WMS endpoint which requires no API key and can be directly added to any WMS viewer client, including browser clients.
  • The endpoint for authorized WMS requests has changed from to
  • The use of the KDP WMS viewer accessible via the geospatial-login endpoint has been deprecated, and will be removed entirely in the near future.
  • The addition of radar-reflectivity-composites as dataset with WMS access. More datasets will be added in the near future. Please check this list for an overview of datasets with WMS access.
  • The quota for all WMS endpoints has been reduced from 50,000 requests per hour to 1,000 requests per hour.

For more information, please see our new WMS documentation.

18-09-2023: EDR API now has /cube endpoint for the observations collection

We are delighted to announce that the EDR API now supports the /cube endpoint for the observations collection. This endpoint allows you to retrieve a CoverageCollection of station observations as Coverages for a given time range, bounding box and parameters. The Coverage can be mapped to a station using the inspiregloss:Identifier as station code. For more information, see the Technical Documentation (Swagger).

15-08-2023: Open Data API introduces new parameters

Starting immediately, the Open Data API supports new parameters for the listing of files. With the new parameters sorting, orderBy, begin, end and nextPageToken it is possible to list files based on various attributes, sort in ascending or descending order and query the next page of results. With the introduction of these new parameters the old parameter startAfterFilename is deprecated. For more information, see the Technical Documentation (Swagger).

04-07-2023: EDR REST API (ALPHA) implements CORS headers

Starting immediately, the EDR API will have a Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) header exclusively allowing * domains. We have made this change, because we do not intend our EDR API to be directly integrated in a website. If you would like to serve our EDR data directly to your end-users via a website, we recommend you to build a proxy for this purpose. This ensures that your API key is not exposed to your website users.

22-05-2023: New anonymous API Key

A new anonymous key has been introduced. It will be valid till 1 July 2024. The valid period of the previous key will be till 1 July 2023. For details, see here. If you don’t want to change your scripts yearly, we advise you to look into a registered key. You can use this API key with your own “rate limit” and “quota”, and it does not expire. This means that you don’t have to share the key with others, and your application will not be dependent on the lifecycle of the anonymous API key.

09-05-2023: Expected downtime for the EDR REST API (ALPHA) on Tuesday 9th of May

On Tuesday the 9th of May, maintenance is planned on the EDR API. This means there will be some downtime for the EDR API. The impact is that requests sent to the EDR API that day might fail.

28-04-2023: Significant breaking changes in EDR REST API (ALHPA)

There are two significant breaking changes released in the EDR REST API (ALPHA) in light of accordance with the OGC EDR standard:

  • For the /collections/{collection_id}/position endpoint, the query parameter coord has been changed to coords.
  • For the /collections endpoint, the following variables in parameter_names will be type string instead of an i18n dictionary containing a language tag as key and string as the value: description, observedProperty/label, unit/label.

20-03-2023: Data Notification API is being deprecated

The Data Notification API is being deprecated. New key requests for this API will no longer be accepted. We are looking into a suitable alternative to provide similar functionality.

27-02-2023: Planned maintenance of the developer portal

On Monday the 27th of February, maintenance is planned on the Developer portal and api gateway. No downtime expected of the API’s however some functionality of the developer portal may not be operational.

23-02-2023: Planned maintenance of the developer portal

On Thursday the 23rd of February, maintenance is planned on the Developer portal and api gateway. No downtime expected of the API’s however some functionality of the developer portal may not be operational.

31-01-2023: Expected downtime of the EDR REST API on Tuesday the 31st of January

On Tuesday the 31st of January, maintenance is planned on the EDR API. This means there will be some downtime for the EDR API. The impact is that requests sent to the EDR API that day might fail.

15-12-2022: Specialized keys for specific datasets within the Open Data API will no longer be issued

Specialized APIs were available for Actuele10mindataKNMIstations and radar_reflectivity_composites which allowed for customized quotas. Since both datasets are also available through the Open Data API key, we will no longer issue keys for these specialised APIs and have increased the quota for the Open Data API from 200 requests per hour to 1000 requests per hour. Previously requested keys for the specialized APIs can still be used.

09-12-2022: Expected downtime of the EDR REST API on Monday the 12th of December

On Monday the 12th of December, maintenance is planned on the EDR API. This means there will be some downtime for the EDR API. The impact is that requests sent to the EDR API that day might fail.

04-11-2022: DNSSEC will be implemented on the 7th of November on

On Monday the 7th of November we will turn on DNSSEC for This is not expected to lead to downtime. Be aware that this might lead to connection problems if your client has issues with DNSSEC, but this also not expected.

31-10-2022: Actuele10mindataKNMIstations version 1 No longer available

As of this week the Actuele10mindataKNMIstations version 1 is no longer available at the KNMI dataplatform. This has previously been mentioned in our newsletter.

05-09-2022: Expected downtime of the dataset configuration api on thursday the 8th of September

We will be performing a database upgrade on the 8th of September during lunch. This will cause downtime and you will not be able to download datasets from approximately 12:30 AM until 01:00 PM.

22-08-2022: Actuele10mindataKNMIstations version 2 available for 60 days

The dataset Actuele10mindataKNMIstations version 2 used to have an archive of 72 hours. To overcome a gap between the monthly available archive and this dataset, we have upgraded the datasets archive to 60 days. As of today the Actuele10mindataKNMIstations will slowly increase its archive until 60 days are available. The archived datasets are preferred above this archive and can be found here:

04-07-2022: New anonymous API Key

A new anonymous key has been introduced. It will be valid till 1 July 2023. The valid period of the previous key has been extended till 1 September 2022. For details, see here. If you don’t want to change your scripts yearly, we advise you to look into a registered key. You can use this API key with your own “rate limit” and “quota”, and it does not expire. This means that you don’t have to share the key with others, and your application will not be dependent on the lifecycle of the anonymous API key.

01-02-2022: Remove of ‘old’ Anonymous API Key

Our old anonymous API key has expired, but was not yet properly removed. On 1st of March, the key 5e554e19274a9600012a3eb1b626f95624124cf89e9b5d74c3304520 will be removed. Have you not yet updated your anonymous key, please do. Here you can find the new anonymous API key. The anonymous API key has a lifecycle of a year, and this new key is available till June 2022. If you don’t want to change your scripts yearly, we advise to look into a registered key. This API key you can use within your own “rate limit” and “quota”, and does not expire. This means that you don’t have to share these parameters with others, and your application will not be dependent on the lifecycle of the anonymous API key.

11-05-2021: New version of the catalog

The last few months we have been working on the release of a new catalog. The new catalog will introduce a lot of new features which will make it easier to find the right dataset. It allows you to search through the dataset with a search bar and filters. Also the detail page of the dataset contains more information about the dataset and a link to the API url of the specific dataset. In the future we will be able to extend the catalog with new features. Any feedback on the catalog is of course welcome. The new catalog has replaced the old one, so the URL is still the same:

16-12-2020: Migration to new Tyk region

Tomorrow, on December 17th 2020, we will migrate Tyk, the API Management Platform used by KNMI, to a new region. The migration to this new region will take place between 11:00 and 15:00 CEST. During the migration, the following functionality will be temporarily unavailable in the Developer Portal:

  • User registration;
  • User authentication;
  • Requests for new API keys;

Existing API keys will continue to work during and after the migration. There should be no down-time for the available APIs. Users don’t have to make changes to their existing applications.

07-12-2020: API available again

The issues with the availability of our API have been resolved at. The API was unavailable from 15:57 till 16:21. If you still experience any issues with reaching our API, please let us know .

07-12-2020: API currently not available

We are currently experiencing issues with the availability of our API. We are trying to resolve this issue as soon as possible.

12-11-2020: Issues with e-mails resolved

The issues with sending out e-mails have been resolved. If you still do not receive any e-mails when performing one of the following actions, please let us know :

  • Signing up as a user
  • Resetting your password
  • Requesting a new API key

11-11-2020: Issues with e-mails

We are currently experiencing some issues with sending out e-mails. It is possible that you do not receive e-mails when:

  • Signing up as a user
  • Resetting your password
  • Requesting a new API key

We are trying to resolve this issue as soon as possible.

16-09-2020: Migration to new Tyk version

Tyk, the API Management Platform used by KNMI, released a new version of their product. Today, on September 16th 2020, migration to this new version will take place between 13:00 and 15:00 CEST. During the migration, the following functionality will be temporarily unavailable in the Developer Portal:

  • User registration;
  • User authentication;
  • Requests for new API keys;

Existing API keys will continue to work during and after the migration. There should be no down-time for the available APIs. Users don’t have to make changes to their existing applications.

17-07-2020: Release Actuele10mindataKNMIstations version 2

On 11-06-2020, we announced that the Actuele10mindataKNMIstations dataset would be subject to change in the near future. As of July 15th 2020, a new version of the dataset is available via the following endpoint:

This new dataset version brings the changes described in the previous post. In short, in the previous version of the Actuele10mindataKNMIstations dataset filenames have a timestamp suffix without date. Therefore, dataset files from the previous day are gradually overwritten by new files. In the new dataset version, the timestamp suffix of a dataset file consists of both a date and time.

Both datasets versions are available for use. Eventually, we will deprecate version 1 of the Actuele10mindataKNMIstations dataset in favor of version 2. Therefore, we recommend users to switch to the newest version.

01-07-2020: Numerical model output of HIRLAM will no longer be available

As of July 1st 2020, numerical model output of HIRLAM will no longer be available, only HARMONIE-AROME production will remain (currently the deterministic output of cycle 40). The HARMONIE-AROME area is significantly smaller than HIRLAM. For applications that require a larger (output) domain, reference can be made to ECMWF. The KNMI can facilitate and setup ECMWF data. Contact for more information.

11-06-2020: Announcement changes in Actuele10mindataKNMIstations dataset

Currently, the files in the Actuele10mindataKNMIstations dataset only contain the timestamp in their filename, for example This means that the files are overwritten each day. In the nearby future we will be publishing a dataset where also the date will be included in the filename. Furthermore, the file which always contains the latest data,, will be removed. This to ensure that the dataset structure is more in line with other updating datasets.

Both datasets will be available in parallel for a while to ensure that you have enough time to migrate your scripts to the dataset’s successor. If you want to receive a notification when the version of the dataset is available, contact us .

19-05-2020: The KNMI Data Platform is live!

The first version of the KNMI Data Platform (KDP) is live! It provides basic API access to all open datasets of the KNMI.

A small group of test users has been be invited to start using the KDP and to give feedback on its usability. Step by step more users will be added to the group. In the meantime, the KDP team will work hard to incorporate the feedback and to implement new features.
